Founded in the year 1972, Technofour Electronics Private Limited (TEPL) is part of Technofour Group based at Khed Shivapur, Pune. One of the leading solutions providers in the Product Checking Systems cater to Dairy, Food, FMCG Pharmaceutical, and Chemical industries. We had an exclusive interaction with Aniket Nanajkar, Head of Sales and Service during Dairy Industry Expo 2019, excerpts as follows.
Technofour Electronics is a well-known manufacturer of Online Metal Detector, Digital Metal Detection System, Digital Metal Detector, Gravity Feed Metal Detector, Online Checkweigher System and Deduster System for Tablets. At Dairy Expo, they showcased their two major products widely used in the dairy industry, Metal Detector and Dynamic Checkweigher. A metal detector finds its application in the dairy industry to detect metal contamination in dairy bi-products like cheese and paneer. The Dynamic Checkweigher is also used in the dairy industry to check the weight variations in various milk products and its bi-products to check the under-weight products before going to the market.
“In the dairy industry where milk and its bi-products are primarily manufactured, our products help our customers to ensure the quality check so that products like cheese does not go to the consumer without any metal contamination.”
TEPL offers metal detectors with high sensitivity capable of detecting all types of metal contamination. Stainless steel, which is considered as the most difficult metal to detect, can also be detected. Several leading organizations use their metal detectors to check contamination be it checking of raw material or the final processed product. Whereas the check weigher rejects overweight or underweight products and assists clients to check the accurate weight of the products.
Apart from these two products, TEPL also has 2 more product offerings – Pin Hole Detector that is used for online inspection of micro pinholes pores in the Alu-Alu blister foil and Deduster System used for Online Dedusting of Tablets.
“We have developed India’s First Eddy current based metal detectors as a substitute to all imported machines for metal detection”
Aniket Nanajkar
Head of Sales and Service, TEPL India