Author: Hemanth Kumar Jawahar

Moderated by Dr Kaushal Kumar Jha, Chief Executive Officer of the Center of Excellence in Energy and Telecommunication at IIT Madras, Mobility Alliance & Social Sustainability (MASS) Foundation is organising a webinar on EV Battery Design and Safety Standards on 15th January 2022, 6 pm onwards. Ravin Singh, Rahul Lamba and Sarthak Manocha are the panellists, who recently published a report on the topic of the webinar.Electric Vehicle Battery Packs are some of the most important components of an electric vehicle. An EV battery pack accounts for nearly 40% of the total EV cost. It is always important that the…

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Two budding engineering classmates from Bengaluru, Komala and Kushal believe that curiosity is a very important skill for engineering students, which is currently missing. They regret that the education system has divided knowledge into important and not so important. The duo believes engineering students should develop products that can solve the problems of the consumer. With a mission to bring holistic and realistic thinking into Engineering graduates, from The VIMANA now both are on a Sapientury journey. According to the 2011 Census Data, India has over 1.3 Billion Youth which is 27% of the total Indian Population. According to the…

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The main aim of the United Nations Sustainability Development Goal 5 is to achieve gender equality and empower all women & girls in both private and public spheres of life by 2030. It must be noted that women do 2.6 times more unpaid care and domestic work as compared to men. According to the United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs, only 36% and 25% of women hold important positions at the local government and national parliament. Noting with deep concern, women globally occupy less than a third of senior and middle management positions. Now let’s understand the meaning…

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