Author: Anandan Kerachan

In an uncertain global security environment, facing prolonged aggressive threats from two neighbors simultaneously, India is taking bold initiatives to protect its defence supply by indigenously designing, developing, and manufacturing weapon systems and military wares domestically.Recently, Indian Chief of Army Staff General M M Naravane said that a fast-modernising army needs localised solutions and military wares to win wars. “Developing indigenous and local capabilities to confront emerging security challenges and reduce our dependence on borrowed technologies is, therefore, an imperative need,” General Naravane said at an Army-FICCI webinar. Gen M M Naravne India’s defence budget for the current fiscal was…

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Indian Government will have to restructure laws to benefit the Indian manufacturing industry take a quantum leap and collaborate with QUAD countries. Indian companies need to be competitive to take on the giants of China. Urgent reforms are required!Recent developments and strengthening of relationships among QUAD nations – US, India, Australia and Japan to counter the economic might of China may just be the beginning of an opportunity to make India a strong manufacturing base for the world.But to succeed, the Indian government will have to take strong steps to support the manufacturing industry.To attract massive investments and make India a…

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