Logistic Challenges forces DEO to postpone Defence Expo 2022

Defence Expo 2022 Gujarat
Defence Expo 2022 Gujarat

The rising logistics Issues deferred the Defence Expo 2022 in the midst of high-end defence equipment and aircraft at Gandhinagar, Gujarat which was in full swing to armour defence manufacturing. Scheduled during the second week of March, now the flagship Indian Defence trade fair is awaiting new dates.

Defence Exhibition Organisation (DEO) has now postponed the Defence Expo 2022, owing to the logistics issues which are believed to be faced by the exhibitors in the exhibition. Moreover, the event postponement has also been taken into account of the defence crisis at the time of war between Ukraine and Russia. 

As per the reports almost 930 exhibitors including 121 foreign exhibitors were registered for visiting the exhibition, before the postponement. But, the postponement has hampered many of the leading defence players who have put a lot of effort in bringing their cutting-edge defence technology to seek global exposure through India's visionary Defence Exhibition.

Informing about the postponement of the event, A Bharat Bhushan Babu, Spokesperson, Ministry of Defence tweeted, “Due to logistics problems being experienced by participants, the DefExpo2022, proposed to be held in Gandhinagar, Gujarat from March 10th till March 14th is postponed. The new dates will be communicated in due course.” One of the most premium events in Defence manufacturing in India which was scheduled at Gandhinagar, Gujarat from March 10 to 14, 2022 has now been reset with the new dates to be announced soon.  This DefExpo 22 is the 12th edition of the DefExpo, on Land, Naval & Homeland Security Systems Exhibition.

Defence Ministry earlier noted that this year DefExpo 2022 onwards, there will be a special event called Invest4iDEX, where the young startups will present and Pitch ideas before the stakeholders of the industries. The DefExpo 2022 has been expected to be visited by more than 1000 exhibitors from 72 companies with 125 foreign defence players.

Organized by Defence Exhibition Organisation (DEO) along with the Government of India, Ministry of Defence and Department of Defence Production, the event is futuristic in terms of investment, manufacturing, and technology advancement to build a strong alliance in Indian Defence Manufacturing.